Little Red Hen

Little Red Hen

In the story “Little Red Hen” the cat, the pig, and the rat learned when they waited too long to help Mother Hen they were not allowed to eat the warm, delicious bread that came out of the oven. Here is a fun song called “I Wait” by the talented artist Life Lucid. Homeschoolers: Sketch […]

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

Hello everyone from “History in 3 Minutes Podcast.” Welcome back! Today, let’s take a look at “The Reform Movement.” Church revivals and temperance groups were organized to help improve society. Women and African Americans organized themselves politically to fight for equal rights. During the Second Great Awakening (1795-1835) camp meetings were held by various religious […]

Word of the Day – Mandarin

Word of the Day – Mandarin

Do you know the definition for the new Word of the Day which is “Mandarin?” Pronounced:  [man-der-rən] Standard Chinese, often called Mandarin, is the most often spoken language in China. Over 70 percent of people in China speak Mandarin. Other fun facts about Mandarin: It is the official Chinese language in China It is the […]

Coconut Rice

Coconut Rice

Looking forward to spring and warmer weather? Try this “Coconut Rice” recipe. Coconut rice is a Thai style rice. Begin by bringing the milk, water, and rice all to a boil together. Replacing half of the water with coconut milk makes the rice slightly sticky and much more flavorful. You will want to eat this […]

Word of the Day – Robin

Word of the Day – Robin

Do you know the definition for the new Word of the Day which is “Robin?” Pronounced:  [ˈrä-bən ] A robin is a singing bird. In North America the robin has a slate-gray upperpart, a blackish head and tail, and black and whitish streaked throat. It is best known for its reddish breast and underparts. I […]

Word of the Day – 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts

Word of the Day – 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts

Do you know the definition for the New Word of the Day which is “1798 Alien and Sedition Acts?” Pronounced:  [ˈā-lē-ən] [ən(d] [si-ˈdi-shən] [akts] First we will take a look at the individual definitions and then the cumulative definition. The definition for the word ‘alien’ is foreign. The definition for the word ‘sedition’ is incitement […]

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

Hello everyone from “History in 3 Minutes Podcast.” Welcome back! Today, let’s take a look at “Growing Division and Reform.” The practice of slavery was morally wrong and divisive for the nation. In 1819 the union consisted of 11 free states and 11 slave states. Tensions intensified when Missouri applied for statehood. The northern states […]

Power Outages Map

Power Outages Map

Power outages are not fun, but we can learn from them. Let’s have fun exploring a useful site called We can learn how to track where the outages are in each region of the country. You can develop reading, map and math charting skills by analyzing power outages. You will need paper, pencil, and […]