Happy Sabbath Day

Happy Sabbath Day

Happy Sabbath Day! What? Why? How? Just because it is, well, wonderful! The word “sabbath” means – a day of religious observance and abstinence from work It is kept by Jewish people from Friday evening to Saturday evening It is kept by most Christians on Sunday Keeping it “holy” can mean – doing something special […]

Practice Kindness

Practice Kindness

Let’s be patient, thankful, kind, and loving to one another as we all have our challenges. Sometimes they are weather related, economic, physical, or even spiritual! Let us pray for those affected by the recent fires in Hawaii. Homeschoolers/Educators/Parents: Sketch/color an illustration. Theme: kindness. List three ways you can show kindness to someone today. Put […]

Get your ducks in a row

Get your ducks in a row

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! says Donald Duck to the others. Get your ducks in a row can mean … To get well prepared, or organized for something that is going to happen. It is an idiom that is used to describe the process of making sure all of the small details are accounted for and […]