It’s #Festival Time!

Have you taught your homeschooler the definition of the word festival? Has your homeschooler been to a festival yet? According to Wikipedia, “A #festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect of that community and its religion or cultures. It is often marked as a local or national […]

#National Talk Like A #Pirate Day

Why not teach your homeschooler how to talk like a pirate? Crazy, huh!?! Well, we have to keep each one of them interested in learning, so let’s make it fun too! Yes, there is something called “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”. It happens every September 19th. Ahoy! Why not increase your child’s pirate vocabulary […]

Happy #Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to my own father, my husband, sons, the father in your family, and the fathers of our country! Just who are the fathers of our country, you might ask. They include: George Washington (1st United States President) John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison John Jay Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin I might add […]