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Most people give of their love unconditionally (without strings attached) to their family, friends, and others. Sadly, a few people do not. Let us pray for one another that we may all become more Christlike in our love to one another. This post talks about some mental health issues such as narcissism and gaslighting. Narcissists gaslight you, because they want to take away your identity, so you will do everything they want you to do. A narcissist can be identified by some or all of these traits –

  • Superior Treatment – A narcissist expects superior treatment while not giving the same back to others
  • Blatant Lies – The narcissist lies
  • Deny, Deny, Deny – The narcissist denies ever saying anything
  • Does Not Listen – The narcissist does not listen and will not change
  • Using What You Love Against You – The narcissist says whatever you are doing is wrong and not good enough
  • Not Responsible – The narcissist will say they are not responsible for the situation they are in and it’s someone else’s fault
  • Faultfinding – The narcissist is a fault finder and they find fault with whatever the victim does or does not do
  • Superiority – The narcissist will forget important dates and times in their victim’s life, but expect to never be forgotten
  • Proof – The narcissist demands their victim prove their love and commitment to them
  • It’s Rightfully Mine – The narcissist has a sense of entitlement and does not accept responsibility or change
  • Everyone Has It Better Than Them – The narcissist tells the story that everyone else has it easier than them

  • Gaslighting – The gaslighter tells their victim that they are always on the wrong side of things and they need to apologize
  • Losing Your Sense of Self – The gaslighter makes you feel bad about yourself
  • Rumors – People who gaslight spread rumors and gossip about you to others
  • Words Versus Actions -The gaslighter will overtalk to convince people of their needs
  • Flattery – A gaslighter will give excessive praise when the person does what they want them to do
  • Confusion – As the victim searches for clarity from the abuser, the cycle continues and the gaslighter’s power increases
  • Projecting – If the gaslighter is a liar and a cheater, they accuse the victim of being a liar and a cheater
  • Accusing – The gaslighter says the other person does not care about them which makes the victim feel like they constantly need to defend themselves for what they did or did not do
  • Badmouth – The gaslighter tells other people the victim does not do enough

Homeschoolers: Sketch/color an illustration. Theme: Sermon on the Mount. Put these words in alphabetical order: Jesus, sermon, help, sad, good.  Read the story called Sermon on the Mount in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories (Kindle/Audiobook/Paperback) and write about how we should treat one another. Say out loud the word “narcissist” and write its definition five times. List five examples of a narcissist. Share how you can safely help someone else. (Skills: identifying poor and good mental health practices {affective domain}, comprehension, sketching, coloring, pronunciation, verbal, applying)

About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

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