Happy 4th of July

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I’m proud to be an American! I’m proud of all of the courageous men and women who have helped shape our country into what it is today. It is not perfect, but it is better than any other nation on earth.

  • We have the freedom to worship God where and how we please
  • We have the freedom to disagree with others
  • We have the freedom to choose what occupation we want to study
  • We have the freedom to marry who we want to marry
  • We have the freedom to travel where we want to go (freedom of movement)
  • We have the freedom to eat what we want to eat
  • We have the freedom to live where we want to live
  • We have the freedom to buy arms
  • We have the freedom to vote in free elections

Have any of our freedoms ever been challenged? Each generation must pay the price with participation, diligence, and citizenship to keep our freedoms alive. I’m proud of our soldiers who serve this country. Thank you everyone for serving our country in so many different ways.

Homeschoolers/Parents/Educators: Sketch/color an illustration. Theme: participation. Read the story “Three Billy Goats Gruff in Learning to Read: Fairy Tale Adventures (Kindle/Paperback/Audiobook). Describe how the oldest Billy Goat kept his family safe.  Finish this sentence: I want to get involved by… Explain why it is good to get involved in a worthy cause. Describe how you feel when you do what is right. List three freedoms that are important to you. (Skills: identify, comprehend, critical thinking, creativity)

About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

2 comments on “Happy 4th of July

  1. Pingback: Happy 4th of July Martha Quinn — Christians Forever – Romulan News Channel

  2. Pingback: 4th of July Wordsearch – Christians Forever

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