Another Sunday

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Another Sunday is come and almost gone. What does it mean to me, to you, to others? During the past week, did we?

  • Go to church
  • Visit our synagogue
  • Say our daily prayers
  • Take the sacrament
  • Forgive a nasty person
  • Say “I’m sorry”
  • Repent of anything we did wrong
  • Repent of anything we did not do and should have done
  • Say “I love you” to …
  • Give someone who is feeling lost a special call, text, or note
  • Reach out even when we are tired
  • Build our talents or use them to serve others

  • Organize a new way of doing something
  • Reset ourselves by saying, “This is the week I’m going to do it”
  • Be kind to ourselves
  • Read or at least listen to a good audiobook

Remember, we are all on a journey. Sometimes that journey is long, difficult, and seemingly, almost impossible. Yet, it can be done with faith. List a few details. Take a long, deep breath. Say a prayer and begin.

Devotionals/Homeschoolers//Parents/Teachers: draw/color an illustration. Theme: do it. Read an inspirational story in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories. Put these words in alphabetical order: love, prayer, begin, forgive, repent, better. Say each word out loud one time. Use each word in a sentence. Explain what the words “begin again” means to you. Write what you want to do different this next week. (Skills: identify, comprehend, apply, creative, oral)

About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

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