World Radio Day

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World Radio Day is an international day celebrated on 13 February each year. The Day was decided on 3 November 2011 during the UNESCO 36th conference held in Paris, France.  A variety of practitioners, academics and tools providers explore ways in which radio reaches even the most remote and vulnerable communities. Securing freedom of expression and the impact of new technologies on radio broadcasting are two recent themes celebrating World Radio Day.

Across all demographics, Nielsen demonstrates that radio is still the most popular form of media in America. Radio reaches 90% of adults. Over 272 million Americans listen to radio each week. Why listen to the radio?

  • Radio is portable
  • Radio is free
  • Radio adapts to changing technologies
  • Radio is inclusive with a diverse variety of stations appealing to all audience tastes

So, Homeschoolers: Sketch an illustrations and write how the radio has impacted your life.


About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

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