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The two decisive battles of the American Revolution were the Battle of the Chesapeake (September 5, 1781) and the Battle of Yorktown (September 29 – October 19,1781). A French fleet led by Admiral de Grasse defeated a British fleet in the Battle of the Chesapeake. The French victory prevented interference from the British with the supply of troops from New York to the armies of General Washington through Chesapeake Bay.

At the Battle of Yorktown armies under the command of General Washington, French General Rochambeau, and French Major General Lafayette decisively overpowered the British forces.

Also, the French spent 1.3 billion livres (French money in pounds) to support the Americans fighting Britain on land and sea outside the United States.

It was French blood that helped secure American independence. There would be no United States of America without France.

Homeschoolers: Sketch/color an illustration. Explain how France helped save the United States. Analogy: Read the story called Mr. Tod and explain how Mr. Tod helped save the bunnies.


About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

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