Chickens – Did You Know?

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Have you ever seen baby chicks? During Easter, they are sometimes given as gifts.  Especially since the pandemic, people have been buying up baby chicks not only for pets, but to provide eggs for their families! When times are tough or uncertain, more people raise chickens. Children can help collect the eggs or feed them. Here are some tips for first time chicken farmers. Did You Know?

  • It’s much easier to start with baby chicks or mature (6-month) chickens instead of eggs
  • Make sure you buy the type of chickens you want – either laying breeds, meat birds, or a mix of both
  • Keep your coop simple – make sure it protects from predators and has a nesting box and water can
  • Establish a routine for filling the water can, food, and picking up eggs
  • Get a heated water bowl for cold climates
  • Remember to wash your hands after handling the chickens
  • Enjoy

Homeschoolers: Sketch/color an illustration. Theme: chickens. Write the word “chicken” ten times or until you can correctly spell it. Finish the sentence: Chickens like to… Read the story called Little Red Hen and write about baby chicks✍️.

About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

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